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Men's rogaine®

If you’re losing hair and you need answers fast, Rogaine® – the leading hair loss fix for men – explores the causes of  hair loss and what men can do to stop it.

Men’s Rogaine® has been around for generations and gradually gained acceptance among men as the hair thinning fix. But there’s more to Men’s Rogaine® than just the quick fix it boasts. There’s a whole community of men who have questions and need answers.

The most common cause of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, also known as hereditary hair loss. The average person loses 50-100 hairs a day, and that’s true for people who don’t have matters baldness in their family. The number of hair follicles men have now is the same amount they were born with — it’s hereditary. Rogaine® doesn’t change follicle quantity, but it can revitalize your existing follicles to stimulate more hair growth.

How does Men’s Rogaine® reposition itself as more than just a “going bald” solution but an effective proactive hair thinning fix? 

Changed the mindsets of men everywhere that Men’s Rogaine® isn’t just a “going-bald solution” but a “proactive hair thinning fix”.​

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